How far along? I am 28 weeks as of this past Monday! That marks the beginning of my THIRD trimester. Things are starting to get really real!
Maternity clothes? Sometimes yes, sometimes no. The thing I wear the most in maternity clothes are maternity pants because to be frank, you can’t really squeeze your belly into those same old skinny jeans anymore. I love the pants that have a full band that come up and cover the entire belly. Keeps everything comfy and keeps the oil I slather on every morning in place for longer!
Total weight gain? I think I am gaining at a somewhat steady pace and nothing too insane which is great. I am trying to walk for 30 or more minutes a day and then do some at home exercises like squats, lunges, and arm workouts every other day.
Appetite/Cravings? Huge appetite and lots of cravings! Ha, nothing too specific in the cravings department though. Other than pretty much every and anything! I have definitely indulged in a lot more ice cream than typical and have found myself wanting to eat some more types of fish and meat. Before getting pregnant I was trying to phase out meat but it has been hard while pregnant, so I just eat what my body wants and needs.
Exercise? Yes, trying to keep this one in check. Most days I don’t have much energy to workout, especially working from 6 am – 3 pm M-F. By the time I get home I am ready to LOUNGE! However, I try to get my walks in and then do squats, lunges, and other workouts I can do while watching the real housewives – ha! Seriously though I usually end up doing my workouts while watching one of my shows.
Baby Movement? I love to feel my little guy move. It makes me SO happy! I can be having the worst day or really upset and then I feel him move and it just makes me smile. Some days he is more active than others – popping and kicking around like a maniac! And other days he is kind of chill and doesn’t start moving until I am at home relaxing. I’ve read if you are busy throughout the day that you can “rock them to sleep” in a way because you are go, go go! My doctor told me this week I should start counting kicks and should feel him move up to 10 kicks (or movements of any kind) within an hour period.
Sleep? Things are getting a little bit harder to sleep but I am convinced my little guy is just prepping me for his arrival and all those sleepless nights! I have this pregnancy pillow which makes laying on your side a little more do-able without fear of rolling onto my back. Lately my hands and feet have been falling asleep in the middle of the night so that isn’t fun but I try to make sure I am not laying directly on my hands or arms.
Missing anything? I would be lying if I said I didn’t miss anything! Clothing wise I miss wearing all of my favorite ripped jeans! Ha, I know that sounds crazy but I have so many pairs of denim I am in love with and some on my radar too (these Lovers + Friends are on the LIST for after I have the baby!). Also, I would love to have some sushi and a glass of red wine – I think I am missing the sushi more than the wine though to be honest!
Milestones? This week is a huge milestone for us as it marks the start of the third trimester. I feel so NOT prepared though and the reality of things are starting to sink in. I need to kick it into high gear these next couple of months and get his room together ASAP!
Best moment this week? I think this week it is all just starting to become more real. I am imagining actually being a mom more and more and it makes me SO happy and SO excited! I just could cry tears of joy when I think about it – corny but true!
Looking forward to? I am just so excited to meet our special little guy and cover him with kisses and shower him with love! Ah! I know there will be ups and downs but I am just excited to start a new chapter of our lives.
Feeling? Excited. Anxious. Scared. Nervous. Thrilled. Etc., etc., etc. Any other first time momma’s out there might be able to relate. I am SO over the moon and excited but at the same time there are worries that come with it. I guess it will all be here before we know it and we will be diving in head first!
Any other expecting mom’s out there? Hope you are all having healthy, happy pregnancies! xx
1 comment
Aw! I bet your SO excited for your baby’s arrival! Congratulations once again lovely!
Isobel x
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