Happy Monday babes! There is just something about a pom-pom beanie and this metallic puffer coat that make me happy during the winter months. We finally got some real snow here in Cleveland over the weekend – and let me tell you, it was BEAUTIFUL. On Sunday the sun was shining so we took a little trip down to the Brecksville Nature Center to hand-feed the chickadee birds. It’s so cute, they give you bird seed and you just hold out your hand and wait. I had a little bird eat from my hand twice! It’s a fun activity to do with the family as they have kids crafts inside as well.
Cozy Winter Layers
I am kind of LIVING for this cooler weather we have been having lately. After that crazy heat wave a few weeks back it is so nice to be able to bundle up before heading out for our nightly walk.
A Little Bit of Everything